HELLO!!! I am back....I was gone like for an eternity but I am back only for this post...I know I am not a very popular writer so you didn't miss me but still I am back.....

CHP 5.
After the weddings were over and she had done wishing the bride and the groom for the last time, Amrit hailed a cab, hopped in and went straight in the direction of her home. In the cab she pulled out Emma's letter which she had not properly read in the midst of the wedding. She opened the folded paper and smiled at the familiar neat and beautiful handwriting....Emma...It has been long time since she had talked to her...she was her best friend in college. She remembered how she was one of the member of the group FANTASTIC FOUR, because they were only four of them and surely they were the fantastic but only in their own dreams...she laughed at the thought..how many crazy things they all did together but today all are treading a different path way from each other..how time separates each other she wondered.
Then she sighed and looked outside the moving cab and saw some friends enjoying their beer and jumping around and a few meters away a couple totally absorbed in each other's arms..which made her think..ohhh if Emma is getting married then there has to be a groom but who is it??...and it is not easy to guess as Emma had a string of relationships but all failed but you still can't trust the pretty girl where she might end up in hands of a new lover or in arms of an ex-flame....she quickly scanned the letter for any other name and found one...LEONARDO..and warm memories filled Amrit's mind and she crossed her fingers and read the full line..'HAVE DECIDED TO BE TOGETHER FOREVER' and she squealed but a little too loudly to turn the attention of the cab driver towards her and he turned his head slightly in her direction and asked," Ma'am, you okay?". Very embarrassed Amrit just nodded and he turned his attention again on the road. She screamed again but in silence and in excitement kicked the driver's seat from behind. He jumped a bit and turned his head towards her while keeping an eye on the road," Are you sure, you are alright,girl?" Amrit replied," Yes. Just a little excited...because my friend's marrying the guy I chose for her. Isn't that exciting?" He chuckled and replied," Not at all.." Amrit made a face," but if you are those match making types then surely it is." Amrit looked at the driver and analysed like every time she did when she saw a person be it male or female. He was wearing a rugged cap with BASKETBALL written on it.He had a dark complexion and was looking like AKON, she thought. Actually Amrit had this peculair habit of linking real life people with celebs, movie or book characters and sometimes situations with songs like now she was singing in her head,' Aaj mein upar aasam niche, aaj mein aage zaamana hain piche!!!'
He turned back to driving and Amrit to thinking about her old memories....her group of four- Emma,Kabir,Sean and herself...how well she remembered Emma and Kabir used to change their respective GFs and BFs like we change our clothes everyday and how Sean and herself were always consoling Emma after her every break-up saying,' C'mon, there are not worth your tears. You can always get a better one' and how Emmas literally took the meaning of 'You can ALWAYS get a better one' and she was ALWAYS having better boyfriends than her previous ones. She was brought back to reality by the sudden beeping of her Blackberry. She checked who it was...it was Kevin.


She frowned and texted back


Tomorrow was her birthday and as her gift to herself she decided to take a day off and put all the day's burden on her assistant, Kevin. But he ruined it all by putting the 'THE URGENT' word and she didn't have energy now to call him now and ask 'what's so urgent?' because she was very much drained from making two weddings happen in the same day.....she then turned her attention to the window which was offering her a very beautiful scene of the streets of New York. (contd).

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