There are times in life when we come across some things that attract us. Attraction leads to desire. Desire leads to action . Action leads to obsession. And obsession makes us do things that we are not supposed to do. Sometimes leading to good and and but most of the times a bad result is the outcome.

A common man is not a phenomena. It is not a virtue . It is a creed ,a species which is found everywhere we look around in the world. The difference that makes us uncommon is the actions. Actions which are lead from a desire . At some point or the other we all want to be uncommon . Uncommon are called by a varied names .. Celebs .. Rich .. talented .. Intellectual .etc

Becoming that person leads us to sacrifice something . To achieve something somethings have be left behind . But when do we know how much we should or not. A line has to be drawn . We sacrifice fun .We sacrifice love. We sacrifice family time. We sacrifice friends.

That is the time when action turns to obsession. We should know it all started from attraction . Not controlling it led to desire . It grew and action followed.
The root of cause , being not so common . Because being common is a gift. And nurturing it is the best choice .

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