Rhyming a poem, takes hours
taming a tongue, sometimes years
managing a boisterous class, next to impossible
controlling wild desires, not feasible

Changing a stubborn friend, exasperating
pleasing one and all, terrifying
making all your confused thoughts vocal
is worse than getting into a Mumbai local

The trick, dear friend, is to be relaxed
let thoughts flow, mind untaxed
you'll be amazed how it rhymes
unconsciously sometimes

Chill, pray for someone in a mess
don't judge, for in the process
your pride swallowed
he somewhat better, you've certainly mellowed

With the bat, he waits for the good ball
he wouldn't lunge at one and all
that's what earns him many a fan
makes Tendulkar a fine batsman

Don't struggle with a contrary wind
like an eagle carry on determined
be cool, absolutely calm
ride beautifully on the storm

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