Free, no stress, no tension, no guiltiness, and yes, happiness, happiness everywhere. That is the view of a child usually. Childhood is a wonderful stage of our life. It's just a pity we only realize this when childhood is over.

Childhood is that place in my life, where my mum was the most precious treasure. It was in those times where dad used to hug me and play with me. He used to buy me sweets and snacks and rarely scolded me. School was just ABCD and playing with friends and exams meant gifts at the end of the year.

Childhood is that period of time where I slept whenever I felt so and mum would let me and watch TV whenever I was bored. Well you know, the list is endless.. :/

Now, adulthood. It is that period of time, where best friends are separated, and life partners are reunited. Jobs become an important issue and living according to rules is very important. Dads and sons fight regularly over minor issues and there is almost no place for peace. Responsibilities are endless and stress take over gradually.

Most importantly, that is where we miss childhood the most.

Well, You might be thinking what about the author, right? Is he child or adult?
Nah, I'm stuck between the two. I'm a teenager and I'm missing childhood already.. :'(

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