Some things of childhood that we don't remember and here is one of mine,
When I was in 8th standard, it was the first day of school after winter-breaks, as usual new entries were there, one of them was my best friend aradna, but the story is about the other one Mr. Sukudu (his nick name we kept),
He was also a new comer I found his face very similar, for some days I kept thinking of where had I seen him? do I know him? but was literally confused a lot, I asked my best friend and told her that I had seen him somewhere but still didn't had a clue about it. Then one day I thought isn't he the one from my pre-primary school n yes that was the time I felt I was right, then when we were in 9th I spied on him that where he lived, as i remember the address of my kindergarten friend, but what fish he lives in the market. So I was again confused that I had mistaken he is not whom I m thinking , so I forget it all and my life went.
Almost after 4 years he sent me request on fb n chatted. Guess what he asked me? the same question I wanted to ask him when i was in 8th standard,
hey had u studied in Ellen memorial school
n I was like freak! ohh... Yes I said .. n told him that I wanted to know about him when he joined school in 8th,
then we chatted n I came to know they shifted their house from that place long time back n had been settled in the market area,
I was happy to know that I have 1 nursery friend of mine whom I m in contact with but then he told me the thing I don't want to hear or i will say i don't really remember...oh fish!!!

Actually first I want to describe that when I was in UKG class I got hurt at my chin, when I was running in playground n I was hurt a lot all I remember was it bleed-ed a lot n nurse took me to the hospital on her arms. I had a scar at my chin till date... but I didn't knew the truth or remember it or I will say I was really not knowing that day my friend told me in chat he said:
He: Hey u remember u was hurt badly at playground when we were in ukg
Me:ya I remember I still have it scar on my face
He:I was the one who pushed u
He: r u there I am really sorry for that time really sorry(:P)
Me: ohhhhhh, it was u, I thought that I was running n fall off sudden with my own, but it was u jerk who pushed me
He: im really sorry
Me: I said its ok
then what bye very n all,
Coming back to class 10th
He had a huge crush on my best friend arad but nothing went well as he was not very smart n nor did arad likes him , but ya one of our friend ani likes him but he didn't like her back so it was a bad love triangle but the tragic n moments he held with me was of our kindergarten only hehehehhe n that too funny and hilarious.
came to know that thing that i had forgotten at all.
Sometimes there are things of childhood that u don't have in mind :)
Today when i think of this I smile .....As this is the memory of my past that i added to my thought when i m big n had to replace the one i had before, that i fall of myself instead, i was being pushed by one of my friend..... :)

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