5 Health benefits of cherry fruit

Who doesn’t love cherries? Did you know that sweet and tangy, red coloured fruit can keep you fit and young! Cherries come in different shapes, from round to heart shaped. A rich source of antioxidants, cherries help in reducing weight and repairs damaged cells in the body.

They can be added to snacks, pies, cakes, jams; eaten raw or cooked down to make sauce or strained for juice. After a hard day’s work, having a bowlful of cherry will soothe your muscles and relieve stress. Let’s have a look at benefits of cherry.

Cherries help ease arthritis pain

Good news for people suffering from arthritis; regular consumption of cherries decreases pain associated with it. Excessive uric-acid levels responsible for excruciating pain and swelling, is reduced thus preventing tenderness and inflammation.

Cherries fight cancer

Pigments present in cherries are responsible for its distinctive red colour. These pigments are in fact polyphenolic flavonoid compounds found in fruits and vegetables, known to have powerful antioxidants concentrated especially in their skin. Cyanidin found in the pigments keeps cancerous cell in control.

Cherries help in sleep

Cherries contain melatonin, a sleep inducing hormone. According to scientists, volunteers who drank cherry juice received significant boost to levels of melatonin. It also prevents memory loss, irritability, relieves head ache, aid with jet lag and delays ageing process.

Cherries regulate Blood Pressure

An excellent source of potassium, cherries help lower blood pressure by keeping a balance of sodium and potassium levels in the body. A cup of cherries has the same amount of potassium as a banana making cherry a great a great substitute for all your potassium needs. As cherries are highly perishable choose plump, glossy skinned cherries and avoid damaged, dull or spongy ones.

Helps in weight-loss

Cherries are sweet flavored but totally sugar-free. Yes, a bowl of cherries gives you less than 100 calories which make it a low-fat highly nutritious fruit. Packed with fiber, it keeps you full for longer time thus countering frequent hunger bites!

Cherries apart from being healthy are delicious and versatile. So, describing them as ‘little red drops of heaven’ won’t be an exaggeration!

Tags: Health, Fitness

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