Me: "You know you are in love,
When you start doing stupid things.
You know you are in love,
when you think of that personne all day, all night.
You know you are in love,
when you want more and more of him everyday.
You know you are in love,
When he start teasing you, but feel like loving it.
You know you are in love,
When you smile like a fool every minute."

Him: "You don't have to promise, you'll love me forever.
You don't have to promise, you'll be with me till eternity.
Because i won't be able to tell you things i don't know myself,
I won't be able to give you things i don't have,
I can't run away from you, i'm the only one that try to keep us together,
when all of the signs say that i should forget you."

Me: "So, now i'm half way going crazy,
I want to kiss you forever, but what will forever mean if you are not here ?
I'll miss those days, when you treated me like a child, make me laugh everytime.

He loves me, i love him more.
And he loves me more and more, and i love him more and more and more.

No one gives up, "I Love you More and more and more and more My Queen" he said.
Then, i give up, "Okay, I love you too" ♥

"I love you ♥"

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