Oh yes..there is a hell lot of difference between parents, siblings, friends and "the ones".......! Even in what they are, what they used to be and what will become of them in the years to come...
And then I m reminded of Dr. Spencer Johnson and sniff, scurry, hem and haw...the cheese moves, isn't it? Even if you don't let it out of sight even for a second...Sometimes you don't know when and how it happened..but sometimes you are sniff, and you know the cheese is going to be moved sooner or later...but can you help it? Oh yes, the obvious thing would be to "move with the cheese"...but sometimes the cheese doesn't want to be with you...it keeps drifting away, out of sight every other minute....! what are you supposed to do then ?? CHANGE THE CHEESE....perhaps there is a better cheese waiting for you to come and claim it (or who knows, it could be a pineapple cake !!!! )
Sometimes trying to adapt doesn't help...sometimes giving up is better...because sometimes you give up a cheese to claim a pineapple cake !!!!
I m giving up the cheese...I know the cake is on the bake :)

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