Seen a chameleon?
An absolutely, astonishing creature in the garden

It changes color to match its surroundings
so a green one on green grass, dark shades of a brown one perched on the tree branch
a deep reddish tint on a carpet of red petals
amazingly artistic!

Have you seen a guy, a gal
changing as a chameleon?
he changes his stance to suit his surroundings
she dyes her hair deep purple, to match her peer's too
wears real tights, to have the look

He lies to wriggle outta hard situation
she compromises to get up the corporate ladder
they smoke just that they fit into the right crowd
drugs and drinks too when needed
to show they're so cool

In religious gatherings, head demurely covered
bhajans and hymns blending with those around
cynosure of many a matchmaker's eye
when the prayer's over, the head scarf flung
she's back to her old antics again

Wonder where those virtues went, that straightforwardness
innocence, truthfulness they were born with
somewhere they lost them along their way
wish they'd come back, restore
forsake the fake, become real again!

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