A post I wrote during Imam Siddique's entry into Big Boss - hope you like it :)

Chalo Bolo London - Imam Siddique

A fighter, survivor, player, and above all a winner. Thankful to Big Boss,(akin to Big Brother of U.K.) for introducing to the show a versatile player like Imam Siddique.

His greatest traits were his 'stand alone' fighting spirit and his ability and agility to turn the tables around. He faced the wrath, the hate, the venom spewed upon him from contestant after contestant but faced the onslaught with bravery, and courage.

Imam has become a symbol because he kind of represents the side of India which is out there facing daily onslaughts of rage, insults, and total aggression from each other.

His ability to face the tirade and turn the tables to his advantage and that too in a manner which was flamboyant and witty made him shine in the show.

The more insults were heaped upon him, and he warded them off successfully, the more popular he became. Truly an amazing performer, having enormous entertainment value, and should be lapped up by film makers as a sure shot winner in films.

I don't agree with those who call Imam a badly behaved violent person. He knew when he had crossed the line and was quick to reconcile and was apologetic for his behavior. He lent his shoulders to many a contestant in their hour of shame and grief.

His creative bent of mind, his concern towards women contestants especially towards Sana, Delnaaz, Sapna and Urvashi didn't go unnoticed. He didn't take bull from anybody, that was his strongest point.

At the same time, not losing any opportunity to make himself visible over other strong contenders. If some people call him fake or a put on, I wonder what the others were. Imam in fact succeeded in unmasking their fake masks and drawing them out in the open, exposing their real self.

Big Boss would be well advised to sign him up for another season as he will continue to entertain.
It's a real pity he didn't get to win the show, but he was the true winner all the way, from the moment he entered. Some say the show was biased towards him and in spite of clear mandate in his favor, he was not declared the winner. However, that's for Imam to take up, and I rest my case at that.

His often repeated lines..Time out, OK bye....Chalo Bolo London have all skyrocketed him in the popularity charts... What to say, except that Imam u have managed to capture the imagination of fans worldwide and your endearing nature will keep reminding us of your fighting spirit and 'never say die' attitude..

Good luck buddy..u have a bright future ahead of you...Cheers!
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