A secret makes us go crazy and the curiosity , nuts !

One can share a secret with very few people in his or her life. The people who can be trusted with life and who would lock up the folder of secrets like there isn't a key that exists or a password that can be found.
But a human brain isn't perfect and neither is his conscience.
curiosity and relief trump good conscience.

But why is there a dire need of keeping a secret to oneself ?
What could be so disastrous if told out? Would it be so demeaning that people are ready to hurt themselves with a heavy heart?

May be there's need, after all , to have something just for yourself albeit a secret. May be the thought of something that can never be used against oneself can release the burden of the secrecy. May be the thought of not sharing a thing with anyone or anything else is more soothing than a free conscience and a vacant open heart. And may be , a person so trustworthy is impossible to find.

That's why the ' Pretty Little Lairs ' theme song says " Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead '

Tags: Secrets !

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