I read a piece about teenage life yesterday in one of our posts. It made me wonder some more about those muddling 'middles' in our lives.

It brings you to those middle aged years...where you are caught completely unawares. Neither energetically so young anymore nor yet totally painfully old yet, it's an angst in itself. The time when youngsters begin calling you, 'Aunty' Or 'Behenji' and grin at your chagrined face.
The man's pot belly now clearly visible, lards of stubborn fat firmly deposited onto his middle and into every visible part of a woman's body, there's a definite metabolic slow down..(as if the global economic one wasn't enough)....his hair going into recession and her's greying alarmingly..middle age is the time to dye for!
Positively, it is the time when you relax a wee bit. Kids grown, flown from their cosy nests, parents have more time to pursue their long awaited dreams.

Then there's the middle child, that poor specimen, neither here nor there. Not the more responsible, looked up to, dad's favored... the oldest or the much pampered, mom's darling..the youngest. You are really in no man's land. They wonder what to do with you.
But it absolves you of unrealistic expectations..so you're really free to be yourself without pleasing anybody.

The worst case is that of the man caught in the middle between his possessive mother, who refuses to let go of him even after he gets married. And his wife who tugs at him from the other end with all her might. The hapless guy helplessly cries for help. But in vain. He probably will have to be in that state nearly all his waking years sandwiched between two women he loves so dearly.

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