"This time I will follow this class seriously"

That's what I decided when the teacher entered the classroom. She was my least favorite teacher and she taught my second least favorite subject; french.. As she started, I concentrated sincerely and took notes neatly in my copybook.

Then she gave classwork. My friend and I worked together. It was a comprehension exercise. Then CATASTROPHE...

When I was about to answer question number 5, She started to correct number 1. She gave a very much longer explanation(that's what she's famous for; giving long explanation on everything..) than I actually expected. I began to yawn..

"I must not sleep. I should concentrate", I said to myself. But no sooner I said that, than my eyes began to shut.. I tried resisting unsuccessfully,.. Finally I gave up, and I rested my head on the table and doze off.

I heard the 'MONSTER'S' voice faintly in my sleep. Then, like an explosion:

"Mukhtaar", she shouted..

I woke up startled, sleep vanished in a second.

"Give us the answer to the question", she commanded..

I gave her the answer. Immediately my friend whispered in my ear: "We are still on number one"

And guess what answer I gave.. The one to question number two.. The woman went nuts. She started to complain about how I am lazy and unable to answer a question that she has been explaining so clearly..

Well that wasn't my fault. You are a damn bore. Why don't you summarize your explanation? You can't just take 15 minutes to explain a single question..

Tags: Short Story

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