This guy had me in splits yesterday. At first sight, he looks terrible..but on closer look, one simply cannot overlook the humor. How kiddishly he proclaims his innocence!
So now you know from where you get the hair in your food!!

I dislike eating out too much. Maybe it's because of the stories I have heard. Of how food is prepared in restaurant kitchens.

Well, it started when I was in standard seven. Glancing out of the classroom window one day, I noticed a crow hungrily pecking on the batter for medu vadas, a boy was grinding outside our famed colony hotel. He had just gone in for some errand, leaving his place behind the stone. The crow happily enjoyed his free meal and flew away with a 'thank you' as soon as he got back!
The boy resumed his job as if nothing had happened. He didn't know the hotel he worked for would soon lose a promising customer like me! I never ate from there for years..till finally I went there to get something for my sons when we were there on a reminiscent tour.

My brother recounted to us how a waiter at a somewhat reputable hotel disclosed to him one day that he used to pee in the whiskey he poured out for a rude, demanding and unsuspecting customer!

Another acquaintance watched tasty chicken being cooked in some famed restaurant kitchen. Only, the raw chicken pieces were dipped just ONCE in water and then cooked! Lip smacking, isn't it?
When our friend pointed out the need for multiple washings, the cook grinned and remarked, 'then we'd be doing that all day..buddy..we ain't have time for that!'

If you think it happens only in small restaurants, wait, take a deep breath.

I read of a catering management trainee describing how the chief chef at the five star he trained in, showed them how to cook.
Having added all the famous spices into some dish he was preparing, he finally wiped the messy table with a dirty cloth and squeezed it out with great relish into the pan containing the delectable item that would soon be served to a some hapless guy/gal who had paid through his nose for a taste of the famed dish!

Now if after all this, you still decide to eat out..then you must be the most thick skinned guy ever!
As for me, I enjoy my clean, humble home made dal, rice, sabji and pappad thoroughly!

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