I sat down yesterday late evening with the newspaper in my hands.
Page two..an article on the well kept secret of the movie industry. 'Casting couch'.

Junior artistes, newcomers and aspiring actresses have to give into the whims and fancies of the producer/director to get their necessary break. Top actresses aren't spared too. A leading actress shooting on a set was forced to visit her director's bungalow, the shooting stalled, till she agreed to do so.
The ones who refuse are kicked out, replaced by those who compromise and ensured they'd never get a film by anybody ever!

Dance reality shows on television, so hyped, all glitzy and glam, has this obvious reality well obscured in it too. The girl who comes in the top five of a show, is asked to give in to the top guy's demands or else she'd lose her spot!

So folks, when you do see this girl holding her crown, shed a tear for her.
Though undoubtedly talented, its not merely that which has brought her so far.

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