Career is a question for everybody from the day you notice you have moustache coming or we can say you fall in love(Because it is well said in Hindi by some writer that "SIRF PYAR SE PET NAHI BHARTA" Love is not enough to survive). With all the events and situations in life at the end "ONLY MONEY MATTERS". You have grown up with a family which has either of the following situation

1. Pressurised Career to Fulfil family Dreams:- Coz you are the only capable child and your family is soon going to depend upon you.
2. Career decided by friends:- Because your friend or relative has achieved great success in his/her life, your family starts feeling that it is the only best way to settle in future.
3. My father is Doctor/Engineer/Businessman :- Most of parents will feel that their child should continue profession which they are doing to maintain a history.
4. Get into work because you have to marry soon:- When it comes to life time event like marriage it is said that the Person should be independent and capable enough to handle the family. So do which ever job comes to you first, to prove that you are earning.
5. Your Interest has no scopes:- Because you like photography or Painting or Acting your family has argument of No Scopes or No Hopes of earning money.

With all of these situation prevailing in once life it is true that "MONEY MATTERS" but does it matter at the cost of your choice?
Below are the Question You Should ask yourself before you jump into any career.

Q. What am I doing? Do I really want to see myself doing same 10 years down the lane?
A. Just like there are two sides of coin-our life has also two sides. The one you like is good, gives you happiness and you feel world is just best for you, but this happiness is not for free. This happiness is at the cost of your time, Salary, Social life and lot of ups and downs. at the same time working something you dislike gives you flexibility for everything and also provides you salary but there is lack of work satisfaction. So first Prioritize your life. What are the things which is must for you and what things you can let go.

Q. Why am I doing this ? Is it good for my Personal and Professional life ?
A. Since you have selected that you will plan your career after deciding your future just make sure that you are agreeing to the prevailing situation and no matter what so ever happens in future Good/bad, You yourself is responsible. You are aware that for what reason and why have you planned your career into the direction taking priorities of both personal and professional life into consideration.

Q. How will I manage if the situation doesn't work out?
A. Sometimes after few Days, months, or may be Years you realize that you are not satisfied with your career. There is no job satisfaction. At that point of time how can you overcome the situation.
Keep your hobby as an option. work on it even if it is not your profession, Sing, Paint, Act, Read, Become a regular blogger. Do everything you like along with your current profession. This will give you eternal happiness and keep happy with your Current professional life as well. The moment you feel you will not be able to continue your current career, you always have an option which will help you overcome all the situation.
Prepare minimum of 2 plans in such a way that anytime in your life at any age that can help you survive. May it be your hobby or may it be your sharpness and smartness to run a business. work on it with the current situation to get a better life.

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