"Be slow to speak and quick to hear."

Just watch folk as they converse with you. Usually their attention span is low. The ones with toddlers are the worst. You begin saying something really serious, she cuts you off mid sentence, to pursue after her little brat.
Highly understandable, but you? You've lost any desire to continue any further. The conversation ends abruptly.

A friend interrupts your every sentence with her own inputs beginning with 'I'. A self centered type. Puts you off completely.

Seeking solace you then run to your male friend, who gazes everywhere except at your eyes. Your hands swiftly move to fix the slipping chunni. His eyes revert back to you. But not for long. "Hello, gorgeous," he turns to another, forgetting you totally.

Some folk are busy making mental notes of what to answer in reply even as they listen.

There are folk with a false sense of self importance, who don't give a slight reaction after hearing you out. Highly irritating kind. They manage to belittle you with their cold vibes and classy exteriors.

The best listener is this person who keeps his eyes glued to your face, doesn't interrupt and then when you're finally finished speaks slowly in reply. He doesn't criticize but gently voices his opinion.

We possess two ears and only one mouth.

For only one purpose.

To listen more and speak less.

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