Based on the inputs I download from people around me, especially women, I feel women make bad bosses.

Take the example of women school principals. I have heard teachers working under them complain how they have had to quit the school because of this 'woman'!
She just wouldn't see eye to eye with her, would trouble her unnecessarily and shoved her into a classroom of pupils definitely below her caliber of teaching proficiency.
She pleaded and pleaded to be given a higher class, but her pleas went unheard.

Another woman grumbled about her principal deliberately putting heavy loads of work on her back, despite her protests. Besides, she spoke of her badly behind her helpless back.
Somehow the poor woman slogs it out to earn her bread and butter.

Another one- a teacher was grabbed literally by the neck and shook by the woman head of her school, because she was incompetent.
And this lady struts around, displaying her lovely school(one of many), to one and all.

I did a small stint at teaching while in Delhi. This Northie supervisor, a Mrs Singh, was so bad, she scared me and all teachers there to death.
She ensured I would never seriously take up a school teacher's job ever again.

Now why do women make such bad bosses? When actually they ought to be an epitome of grace, gentleness and glory?
Is it because women were suppressed for centuries here, then finally as they broke free, they began to take it out on people, especially their own sex?
A sad explanation..yet is it valid?

Or is it because they get so insecure while at the top? A small word opposing them..and the fuse blows. All hell breaks loose.

Men, have you had crazy women as bosses in your workplace?
Arrogant and unreasonable..?
I think it's time someone scuffed them by the collar and shook them till they came to their senses!

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