It was 15 march 2012.The time of turbulence-Exams!!!As I entered the main gate of the exam centre,my eyes were again caught by my love.All the subject answers were blown in the air.My lungs inhaled more air than required and I felt light.This guy dressed in blue jeans,white shirt with pink strips took my breath ,everytime I looked into his eyes.That was the last time I saw him.After holidays of a week I knew I would see him.Excitement rushed through my blood.Every cell of my body started vibrating in this excitement.Like anyone else I dressed in my favorite dress,groomed well and hurried to get a sight of him after a week,which felt almost like a year!!!
And the moment I stepped into the college my eyes craved to look into his truthful eyes.By then,few of my friends came running telling me my love had left the college.
My lungs stopped breathing any air.And my mind in pain kept asking people IF I CAN SEE HIM AGAIN???

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