The bus finally arrived after half an hour of wait. I was travelling after a long time in bus, generally metro suffice for all my transportation needs. I asked conductor for ticked, handed him a note of 100 and he returned 10 rupee less than what he should have. Thanks to an uncle who was fighting with him for one rupee, I got back my 10 rupees.

I went to back of the bus where there was just one seat vacant and a guy was using that seat to straighten his legs. I went up to him and asked to remove legs in sign gesture. He did exactly what I asked him to do but now he was staring me as if I molested his sister. He was intense, full of emotions and made no sense to me. I was poker face. He was talking to someone over phone using headphones but he continued staring at me till one bus stopped at a bus stop and someone came in his view range. All his staring energy and skills were now totally focused towards that person. I couldn't see who came in or not but it has to be a girl because I was non existent to him from now on. I was now enjoying the lighted bill boards and the creative slogans and ads that they put up to attract people. Cool breeze constantly swept across my face as the bus crossed Yamuna.

Suddenly someone tapped my knee. It was the same guy with a complete change of expressions. He said "bhaiya zara ticket pass karwana", apparently I had to ask the conductor to give a ticket for him. I passed 'his' 100 rupee note and asked for a 10 rupee ticket. Conductor returned some change. I passed him the exact amount as it is. It was 10 rupee less and everyone herd mothers and sisters of the fellow conductor being renamed with not such nice names. He got back his change and it was my stop.

Tags: Yamuna

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