i have a brother ,
he is robust and tall,
with a heart of pearl
a physique of wall

we share each thought
whatever it may be
joy ,sorrow or glee

he has great ambitions...
he wished to join army ,
he worked hard for it ,
with all his efforts
he made it

i remember the day
when he left for interview
and the atmosphere in my house was humid and full of dew

i wished him luck
he smiled at me
i was left like a duck
lonely in the gloomy sea

then next day he called
said he had got selected
but at the same time i got elected

yes..ELECTED i was for the elections of joy as well as gloom
but what all i wanted was my brother to bloom

my heart was filled with thoughts opposite ..
everyday i saw his clothes ..so stable in his closet

i miss his passion for basketball
i miss those posters of
dwight howard ,michael jorden and all

i miss the military talk
i miss that tiresome walk

he ha all what i wanted in a brother
he had all what was wished by my mother

he was a bird so free
i miss the maggi he used to make
i sometimes make 2 cups of coffee for me

today,i pray to god
may all his wishes come true..
bhaiya .. i love you :) :)

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