never knew, he would feel this way,
But here he is, seeing this day..
Fate O Fate, no one knows what it will bring
He is just some songbird with a broken wing..

he used to fly, up in the skies,
to find out what in heaven lies,
never feared of what may come
and when he'd open his wings, mouths uttered,"handsome"

He was white as cloud and his thoughts deep as sea
In his praises, O dear bird, time always flee
creatures in the forest rejoiced in his presence..
his enchanting voice just added to the essence..

But that happened what wasn't supposed to
pride hit the dear bird like a golf ball with a cue
never did the creatures think, their hero will change so much..
but none we can do about the pride's clutch..

But life has remedy for every problem so far..
A hunter striked an arrow creating a scar
on the songbird's clear white wing
No one can think what remedy life'll bring..

crippled, you can say so, the songbird became..
All of his charm in one second drained
now, forced by fate to be Down to Earth,
That's where realization gave him his second birth..

he saw the flashbacks of the mistakes he did,
And the good times that flew away due to his evil deed..
for months he was lost in deep thoughts,
questions filled his mind- WHY's,HOW's, WHAT's..

guilt was all he felt in every season,
Pride O Pride, was the only reason..
he refused the fact that what's hurt will eventually heal,
his life became for him, too much to deal..

he decided to end his last leaf..
came running down to jump off a cliff..
things changed, when while falling he took a turn..
He flew up, his broken wing has healed, he'd learned..

He decide to live again, when his suicide attempt had gone in vain..
now that he knows, broken wings wanted to fly again..

friends, we all are humans and we are bound to commit mistakes..
but we need to forgive ourselves, and work for betterment..
for its never too late to amend..

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