I recently removed a friend of mine from my friend list.
After three days, he called up on my mobile yesterday.
I'd removed his number too..but guessed it had to be him!

I didn't take up his call, but cleared it at once, anger rising within me. He spoiled my afternoon nap.

Now why did I take such a drastic step, after knowing him at least two years..he also being from our colony, his parents known to us...

Well, the answer lies in the way he behaved. He'd keep commenting on my profile picture, in a private message.
"Dark circles..you should apply this and that.."
Ok, thanks. He was concerned.

Then another picture..It was a good one.
"You look like someone boxed your one side of the face...and you didn't dry your hair after bath or what...."
He rambled on and on. An extremely blunt fellow. His comments were getting a bit too personal.
I didn't like it one bit.

I was beginning to get hesitant about changing my picture again.

Now he asked for the mobile number. He, being a family friend, knew all about our family anyway.
He visited us about two times.

One day he told me this.
"I dreamed of you last night. We were holding hands, walking into the moonlight."
He was deep into his meditation and had fallen asleep, when he dreamed about me.
Warning bells were ringing strongly in my mind.

I refrained from making any more phone calls to him. Or taking his.
He could only contact me on FB now.
I just kept a distant, "Hi" relationship with him.

But he kept coming on chat.
"I thought I'd drop by at your place, to give you a surprise. I was in Mumbai few days ago." he remarked.
I was getting annoyed by the minute.
I had told him before not to drop in during the day, when hubby was not around.

The last time, hubby was there. I wanted him to meet hubby.
Somehow my quiet, precious hubby didn't impress him much, I felt, though he didn't say it out in words.
He kept asking me later about hubby's opinion of him.

He was nice and helpful with advice and stuff like that. There was stuff about himself, he hid from me, how much ever I tried to probe.
I hated it. The dishonesty.

But now he was throttling our relationship, just taking me for granted.
His blunt, self righteous remarks..his barging in at times into my quiet time on FB...his unneeded remarks on my hubby, enough to even bring up a wall between me and hubby...had finally taken a heavy toll.

I had endured him unnecessarily.
All that I had now left with me, of a promising friendship, was a thread, so fragile, so frayed..it would anyway break into two any moment.

So finally I removed him from my friend list.

He must have been shocked to the core, never having expected this from mild mannered me.
But I needed the space.

Guys, if gals log you off suddenly....
There's usually a reason. Don't act as if you own her, her life, her feelings. That would have been your undoing.

Maybe that was his too.

But I'm enjoying real peace.

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