Oh you people!
You little bunch of conspirators!
What did that boy do?
That young boy, that skinny boy.
You said he stole from you.
You called him a thief.
Did you not see his eyes,
laden with hidden pain and grief?

Oh you blinds!
You handful of stupid folks!
What was his mistake?
That small boy, that skinny boy.
You pounded on him like vultures,
beat him till he bled.
You cursed him, abused him,
just for a loaf of bread?

Oh you idiots!
You gang of hypocrites!
What did he do wrong?
That lean boy, that poor boy.
You ripped off his only clothes,
wearing bravery up your sleeve.
Masking fake honesty,
what shall you achieve?

Oh you scoundrels!
You mob full of rogues!
Why should he suffer so much?
That bloody boy, that adolescent half dead.
You don't understand hunger.
You don't know how to feed.
You just know how to gather up
and make a needy bleed.

Oh you knaves!
You pack of filthy wolves!
Why should he die like a dog?
That cute boy, that innocent boy.
Fight with those responsible.
Fight against the power-bred.
But you'll bow with greed and fear,
where you shall raise your head.

Tags: Boy, Abuse, Bravery

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