The society is dirty. To clean the dirt, we will have to identify the fountainheads of immorality. It is these fountainheads from where, apperantly a single stream of immorality leaps off, and then divides into many immoralities.

For example, Alcohol gives rise to many crimes; domestic violence, rapes, accidents and obviously an enslaving addiction. So it's better to plug this fountaihead. Anyone who produces alcohol and distributes it, is the focal point of crime. In the food chain of alcohlism, the drunk is the least sinful. The statutory warning on the bottle abuses the intellect of any normal, sane person. It irritates the commonsense, so much that it itches. "Consuming alcohol is injurious to health". Well, why the hell did you make this beautiful bottle then? Why not stop pruducing it? That means you do not believe in the statutory warning yourself? You are an stark example of hypocricy and greed and you deserve to die.

So how do we clean The Dirt? Education atmost, makes us a skilled labour, if it doesn't instill in us, morals. Something that we can stand for. So how do we plug the fountainhead?

Well, students should be taught chemistry and electronics, so they can make bombs. Plant the bombs in all the nightclubs, near wineshops or if you have the access, then in manufacturing plants.

When people with no criminal records kill strangers, it's a foolproof crime. Therefore every student should learn to make bombs using household articles and highschool science. They should be made to believe that they are the cleaners. And if they are not, they are contributers in dirt

There are other fountainheads too. The promoters of idea which breaks families. Media who tells you that biryani (extra-marital affair, a mistress) is cool. Which pitches wives against their husbands in the name of 'gender' equality, thereby creating familial instability. Making gender centric jokes which creates enimity between genders. Creates a culture (or cultural pressure )wherein, a women is inferior if she is unable to defeat men in men's domain. She becomes a mere baby-sitter if she is a loving mother.

Media that projects MTV as a women liberator, but in reality using them as eye candy to run their programme. Media that screams against childporn yet tells that doing sex in school is cool.

Such an organisation is flagrantly hypocritic. Uses boobs page to sell itself and later preaches that ogling too is a kind of sexual perversion. It sells its corporate sponsored news as revealation. We need to bomb these media houses. A serial bomb attack. How funny would it be to see them cover their news without for the first time, thinking what's happening in the world.

Imagine the hand of a reporter blown off in a blast still holding the mic and shivering. The reporter who didn't know a single truth about Arushi, yet for TRP blamed her parents, and called it a revelation. The hand is the memento. It should be kept in living room.

We need people who believe that individuals are meant to met out justice apart from the courts. We need people who fear not death. We need people who feel like vomiting in the night if they ignored a sinner in the day, they thought could be punished. We need people who can identify such fountainheads. Hypocrite media, Alcohol, promoters of homosexuality, shining brothels, porn producers, ciggarette makers, casinoes, cosmetic companies , polytheism, idol worship, and...

Well...Banks (How can we have institutions which give interest on rich people's spare money. Where does bank get the interest from? It comes from a needy man who gave it on the loan he took it from bank!). With institutions like banks, we claim we are striving for equality, when it takes from poor and gives it to the rich!

So you see, we need to have secret schools where we need to instill people with morals. Where we can teach them to eliminate the fountainheads of immoralities. Where we can teach them how to use detergent to make bombs. Where we can teach them to carry a homemade pistol and kill anonymously, people with paunch. To stick a magnetic bomb to a car, if it's being used for sex by unmarried couple. It would be a treat to watch their naked bodies burn. A last flame burning out of their buttock's fat.

To cut the silky hairs of a girl at gunpoint, for showing them off. To acid a dude's tattooed part. Why? Because peacocking is meaningless if you intend to marry. Get your parents talk to her's, they will marry you off. Why wasting huge money on gifts and cards when people are getting bent legs due to rickets? Because they are poor.

We need anonymous people who believe in taking control. Who believe in life after death. Who believe that they are the controllers of justice. People whom media is afraid of. For the first time, the media will turn inside.

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