It was late in the evening. A young lady was returning home from work. She had to pass through a narrow lane to reach her home.

As she reached the place, she could make out the form of a man standing some meters away in the dark. Wisps of smoke rose up from his lighted cigarette.

She grew frightened. How could she cross the lane? He looked dangerous. She waited and waited. But the man made no move to move away.

Finally, she made a quick, desperate prayer and started walking briskly towards the guy. Her heart raced as she reached him. To her surprise,the man made way for her to pass along. She couldn't believe. Heaving a sigh of relief, she literally ran the rest of the way and reached home safely.

'Woman raped in gully' screamed the newspaper headlines the next morning.Shocked,she picked up the paper. A woman was attacked at the very spot where the man had been standing. She noticed the time was a little later after she had passed by.

The man was soon arrested. Hearing her narrative, the police called the young woman too for the identification parade. The victim easily pinpointed him. The rogue noticed the other woman standing there.

'Why are you here?he asked. I never hurt you,' he exclaimed.
'Why did you let me pass by? she asked him incredulously.
'How could I not, seeing your two tall, hefty bodyguards with you? I've never seen anyone so dangerous looking ever in my life'.

Then it dawned on her. She remembered the brief prayer she made that day. Well,they were her angels! They could be visible to the man as her companions. But she was unaware.
They protected her that day from a very dangerous situation.
She couldn't thank her Lord enough.

The above story is absolutely true.

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