Courage is a hard thing to figure.
You can have courage based|on a dumb idea or mistake,
but you're not supposed|to question adults,
or your coach|or your teacher
because they make the rules.
Maybe they know best
but maybe they don't.
It all depends on who you are,|where you come from.
Didn't at least one of the six hundred|guys think about giving up.
and joining with the other side?
I mean, Valley of Death|that's pretty salty stuff.
That's why courage it's tricky.
Should you always do|what others tell you to do?
Sometimes you might not even know|why you're doing something.
I mean any fool can have courage.
But honor, that's the real reason|you either do something or you don't.
It's who you are and maybe|who you want to be.
If you die trying for|something important
then you have both|honor and courage
and that's pretty good.
I think that's what the writer|was saying.
That you should hope for courage|and try for honor.
And maybe even pray that the people|telling you what to do have some, too.


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