When people ask me my favorite color,
I reply: "It's black",
They say I am quite peculiar,
and a taste for fashion I lack..

What a bunch of fools!
Making fun of me,
As if they appear so cool,
dressing all neat and whitey..

For me,
Black is cool,
Black is relevant,
Black is class..
Black is my favorite,
Black are my t-shirts,
Black are my pants,
Black are my socks..
Black is my hair,
Black is my chair,
Black is the night,
Black is my computer,
Black are my turtles,
Black is my school bag..
Black is my pencil,
Black is my eraser,
Black is cleaner,
Black is a mistake hider,
hating black is unfair..

I don't hate white,
It is part of my life,
But I love black more,
Because I just can't help it..

What can I do..
Old habits die Hard!!

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