He lives in a different world,
Where few people wander.
He lets no one in,
For the fear of going under.

He says harsh words,
And lets them believe,
That a pinch wouldn't hurt,
It’ll take a lot for him to grieve.

He laughs like he means it,
And isn't afraid of being true.
He has love like no one else,
And doesn't know the value.

He treats his mum bad,
Says he doesn't give a shit.
But deep down he cares,
Even if he won’t admit.

He likes to hurt people,
Just to see if they’ll stay.
He doesn't like it if they do,
He pushes them away.

He loves unconditionally,
And forgives when need be.
He observes the details,
What most cannot see.

He dances like a kid,
And sings like a man.
He says what you need to hear,
When no one else can.

He’s rude, yet he cares.
He’s bold, yet he doesn't say.
He’s not your average Prince,
He’s not the cliché.

He’s imperfect and flawed,
He’s wrong and he’s right.
And I love him for who he is,
I accept him black and white.

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