Let me start with my favourite quote of all.
'Life is a lie, a white lie. An illusion. A mirage. In the end you get nothing, you go back empty ended. Completely stripped; naked!"

I am Indian and why am I proud to be one? Okay! Lets say..
That we discovered the number '0'
We won the world cup twice.
We are the IT hub and Global attention these days.
We are the world's largest democracy..
And we have the world's largest railway network! wow! APPLAUSE!

Now think about it.
Emotional fools, yup, that's what most Indians are. All the corrupted ministers, biggest of the scum and villains are born here and they know it very well. Making us fight in the name of caste, creed and religion. They eat our taxes, procrastinating their promises, every inch of their body sinking of corruption, sucking the poor man's blood but ending up winning elections after elections. That's a trick of being big in this land. All the successful people out here, be it the politicians, babus or sadhus. They are neither emotional nor fools, they just pretend to be one,.They all follow the same policy. Be as big a rascal you wanna be and never reveal your true colours. You might end up rulling this country. See I'm no Nehru or Gandhi to tell you this. But trust me, what I realized now is they probably figured out much earlier that Indians were emotional fools. Every romantic hero meets the same fate. All the Romeos and Majnus ended dead. They all were such losers. Practical people are successful. Being emotional makes you rigid. Though all the books and the great men of this country would preach you so, just trash them and their quotations. That's why all the western countries are much developed. They're a bunch of practical people. Though we need to thank them in some way. They're the ones who are responsible for uniting us. Look at our country and it's History closely. In how many constituencies were we broken? Nizams, Marathas, Mughals, Rajputs. So divided. The were the ones who united us. And we crib that the British divided us. Were we kids in 1947? We didn't have our damn heads? We turned into hypocrites and try and conceal the great dividing mistake we committed by saying the British divided us. But the reason to worry is that we still haven't learnt from our mistakes. We were never united, nor we are and god only knows what the future holds.
No matter how much we may shout from our roof tops, slogans like 'India Rising, India Shining'. Frankly, I don't see it, except for our constant rise in population and kids shining boots in railway stations. We keep on shouting that we are secular, we are united. Cultural harmony is practised in India. Lies! All lie! India is a country lying! Lying to herself! And dying! We divide on the name of religion, on the name of caste and creed, We give heck lot of importance to sex and divide even on the name of sexuality. We divide on the basis of every possible silly thing! Bloody hypocrites! We beat poor taxt drivers and break their cars because they belong from some other part of the country. The fact that he's Indian hardly matters. That's secondary. Bloody psychoes! Sometimes I feel it will be better if we divide this country into different countries. Make a seperate Maharahtra, Bengal, Naxal Pradesh, Gorkha Land! Get lost! Nobody cares for proper India. Why the hell should the poor man lose his life and property just to make sure that we remain one secular country in the eyes of the world. We don't have electricity, water supply, enough food for our citizens, enough teachers, enough hospitals, enough doctors, fair judicial system. There are still villages where women are scared to get out of their homes as they don't have a single piece of cloth to cover their bodies, don't have educated respected ministers, no roads, no tolerance against women, enough jobs, enough contraceptives yet we're proud of giving the world a zero! Let the white tourists visit the places. I will not be surprised if they go back saying India is nothing but a butt of ridicule than an object of awe.

We need to pull up our socks. Dreaming alone ain't good enough. Action is more required. A few more statesmen and less politicians. A statesman thinks of the people, the politicians about the next election. We need to learn from our own gory mistakes. Need to do away with this mob mentality and dividing and segregating our own homeland. We need to inspire and reinsipre ourselves. But to be honest we no more need to look at the west for aspiration. They've nothing great left to teach us. The white man has become rich and completely debauched. Look at the yellow man instead. Freedom, Olympiad. economy, national security. They have it! I am not proud of my country. And let this sound blunt and awful. I don't like my country. With my own countrymen everyday dying because of hunger, maltreatment, how can I say I'm proud? Nope, not at all. I don't like our current situation. You either need to be ignorant or illiterate to shout and say that you're very proud. I got guts to say infront of you. I can't be a hypocrite like the ministers. We keep hearing make your country better. In fact we know what we should do but we are scared of initiative. Take it! Contribute! It won't make your life boring or sad! Trust me! As Michael Jackson said "if you wanna make a change, start with the man in the mirror"

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