By reading the title of the story, even Bhutulu can guess it’s about someone‘s car or dream of a car. “Who is Bhutulu” is not an interesting point to discuss, question is - if in this whole world anyone can think of a nick name called “Bhutulu”? Well, actually its “” .

For Bhutulu, it’s a dream come true today .., sitting in the driver seat of his own car was always a dream for him, well not only for him , it may be the case for almost all the lower middle class Indian boys and gals .The dream chase was a slow marathon though, as it took a little longer than usual. But again its relative, If you can own a car just a year after your 1st bike, I will say its an achievement. Few drops of tear acted as the checker flag declaring the end of the dream chase. In all ideal scenarios, he should be Happy.., but the ending scene Bhutulu experienced numerous times in his dreams was completely different than this. He closed his eyes to recall what he is missing now …

It was Friday evening 5:30 usual Bhutulu made his appearance at home after 2 long hours of play .., he calls the game as “cricket” …, but his dress reveling that to be a game of “kabbadi “.Anyhow for a 4 years old kid, cricket or kabbadi hardly make any difference. Bypassing dad in the hall, he directly reached Kitchen and asked Mom not so unusual question …, mom, if dad angry??Mom’s reply brought a big smile in his face and he ran out of the house again to share the news with his friends. Pulling his sister’s hair who was playing at neighbors place , he announced “ hey sister, come soon , we are going for a movie this evening “. Watching movie was not at all a fantasy for Bhutulu .., there was something else that was making him dance. From childhood itself he has the habit of planning things and executing it successfully. It’s a different matter the execution seems to be missing perfection from last couple of years.
Pushing his sister aside, Bhutulu stood in front of the dressing table (obviously with support of a small chair to match the mirror’s height) to confirm his looks. “Fair and Lovely” was the choice at that time too for him. As he completed his preparation, started troubling others by hiding sister’s frock, mom’s comb etc . For obvious reasons dad's stuffs remained untouched. There was a scarcity of “patience” when God was planning Bhutulu’s birth and you can easily notice that flaw in design if you interact with him for more than 15 minutes. He started feeling restless waiting for the rickshaw (3 wheeler manual one) to come. If her sister counted correctly, he asked mom exactly 28 times the same question “Mom,when the rickshaw wala will come …, the movie will start by the time we reach” .Just to remind you ,Bhutulu was least bothered about the movie .., it was something else …, his interest was on the interval time, why I will tell you later.

After a little fight on who ll sit where .., brother and sister settled at mom’s and dad’s lap respectively. People say Bhutulu speaks very less, but anyone close to him knows how much nonsense he speaks .., once started, its really impossible to stop him …, and this is not something he developed with due course of time , it’s an in born quality , so this is how he started his nonstop radio starting from his home till the cinema hall .

1st question to Dad after looking at a bicycle store :
Dad, we are not fitting well in this small rickshaw , can you please buy a bicycle for me . I will ride bicycle and come to the cinema hall of my own .., the rickshaw wala can follow me ..,Nani (elder sister) can sit in the middle so that it won’t hurt your lap.
Dad’s reply: Ok , once I get my salary .., I will buy you a cycle

2nd question:
Dad , two cycles will be costlier than 1 “two sitter” cycle rite ??

Dad’s Reply : yes .., but why are you asking ?

Bhutulu’s reply :

I know , Nani will feel jealous of me and will demand for a cycle too .So I am thinking lets have a 2 sitter cycle .., I will ride and Nani can sit behind

No response from anyone, because everyone knows whats coming next
3rd question after a break of 5 mins :

Dad, what about buying a rickshaw ?? we all can come together ..,you don’t have to worry about we (me and Nani) missing somewhere in the crowd ....we ll hire a driver for our rickshaw

Mom’s reply: Shut up your mouth and clean your nose first

4th question while approaching the cinema hall :

Dad, I was thinking why to waste money on hiring a driver. Lets buy a Car .I can drive the car and Baba and Mama (Grandparents) can also join us for the movie .If its raining too, we can come for movie.

Dad’s Reply: Yes beta, we ll buy a Car . Happy ??

Bhutulu – Thank you Papa, Red one ok ?

Everyone was busy watching the movie …, but Bhutulu was just waiting for the interval …, if you remember about the design flaw in him …, he started asking Mom .., “Hey mom …, when will be the interval .., I want to go for number 1 “ . Mom ignored him for 2-3 times. As he kept on asking for “number 1 “ dad was left with no choice than to take him out to the rest room . At that time, there was no concept of multiplex and obviously it was a small cinema hall .So earlier I was telling about Bhutulu’s criminal mind rite .., he already started executing his plan by making Dad came out.

Bhutulu to Dad: Papa, I want to drink water

Dad was not having any clue on what’s running in his criminal mind. So he took him to a nearby hotel .
Pointing at a big bowl at the hotel ,Bhutulu’s question to dad :

What are those white ball like things ?

Dad : It’s a sweet called Rasgulla ,do you want one ?

Bhutulu : No papa ,I just asked …is it taste good ?

Papa : yes .., you can have one now

Bhutulu : No papa, its getting late .., you ll miss the movie scene.., I will taste it some other time

Papa : No problem beta …, you eat one .., you ll like it

Bhutulu : ok then papa, let me taste …, but lets take one for Nani (sis ) too …(point to be noted here - his sister does not like sweets,so basically the other one too will come to him )

Though Dad knows about his daughter’s taste, order one more for her.

Bhutulu’s reply: Thank you Papa …, you are very nice and sweet, like this rasagulla .., when we ll buy a car, I will allow you to sit in the front along with me ..While driving if I feel sleepy, please make me awake, ok ??

It was becoming dark .., and there were hardly anyone near the notary office (Bhutulu bought his first car and was at notary office for the sale agreement). Bhutulu opened his eyes and did not see his Dad in the front seat …, neither her sister, Mom and grandparents were there in the back seats. He picked up his phone and called Mom …, it was 6 am in the morning at India. Mom picked up the phone and Bhutulu said “ Hey Mom, we have our big red car , I am sitting inside but missing you all” .As it was night and he was a new driver, drove to his apartment slowly , dad was not there in the front passenger seat to caution him while driving .

Tears in his eyes and just one question in his mind “If my Dream really came True??”

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