The spinal cord is most important and sensitive part of a human body. It is the main pathway connecting the brain and the rest of the body. In teenagers the body posture is a deciding factor in spinal cord shape as we all know it. Wrong postures can cause serious abnormalities.

It gives me immense pain seeing school children carrying bags bigger than their height and heavier than their weight. The second home where they learn etiquette and moral education is actually ruining their entire life making them carrying heavy bags with unnecessary and extra books.

'Joy Dini started complaining of excruciating pain on her spinal cord soon after she changed her school in Himachal Pradesh'. The class eight girl had to walk 3 km and climb stairs up to a stretch of 1 km to and fro from school. She walked all through with the heavy back pain. When consulted a doctor his family was asked if she suffered from physical trauma. They were left puzzled because she never had an accident. Later she was treated for tissue cancer and unfortunately she died when she was 19. Parents paid a price for sending their daughter to a school! What a shame on our country.

Children carry heavy books which gets bigger and heavier each day. The norm of not following a good timetable in many schools is disturbing. An 18 year old boy who was tall and skinny developed a bent posture which hurts him even now when he tries to sit straight.

A research institute found that bags weighing even 15% of a child's weight can cause serious problems in head, neck, trunk and lower limb changing the overall physical posture.
Now since the new government is settled, I expect some stringent rules and regulations regarding regulating the course material and syllabus. Schools should regulate the amount of homework they give and arrange for lockers.

Ultimately no education can be imparted by putting the life of a student at stake.

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