Once you touch your twenties and are on the verge of finding a job, ur life takes yet another turn. Your conversations with all your friends are now focussed on career and future plans, ur relatives start asking about ur higher studies and marriage plans, ur friends start planning for being a part of ur "dreamy big fat indian wedding', u start freaking out about ur studies, ur life, ur soulmate.
will u even get a job? what if u aren't good enouh? what about your career plans? what if ur GRE scores are not good? abroad universities..what if ur application isnt accepted?
Soulmate?marriage? what if he/she isnt the right one? what if it doesnt click after marriage? what if the partner isnt good in bed? ;) :P
question, tension, confusion.Thats all tat comprises your thought process these days and nights.
Being in your twenties.
Not an easy task.
This is like the critical period in life when your life will shape up in such a way that ur actions and decisions will impact the rest of your living years.
Not easy.

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