"He who wants to be the greatest must be the servant of all."

This is one thing so very difficult to practice.

Imagine a scenario where the boss doesn't act like a boss. No arrogance, not the slighted hint of misplaced anger visible on his face.
He'd not shout at the peon or his subordinates to show his power. Yet he's firm, but gentle at the same time. He always yearns to benefit someone with his expertise and position.

Somehow power in our times equals to arrogance. A gentle boss is definitely going to be taken for a ride. So we think. In fact it might just be the opposite. He'll definitely win their trust and wholehearted support in the long run.

Power stinks. Doctors with their steths hanging around them, need real humility as they reach out to the poor, helpless folk. I heard of a man with a terrible kidney disease, who was literally kicked out of a well known hospital by the doctor there. Incidentally the hospital's known for charity.

Now the guy's cured and is a motivational speaker. I heard him speak and couldn't believe how a sane doctor could kick him out because of his sheer poverty.

We all need to serve one another. Whether we are poets, writers, doctors, moms or hardworking students..keep looking out for opportunities to serve others who come our way, in whatever way we can.

It could be helping a weak guy with his homework. Or visiting the sick with a bunch of flowers. Doing an extra something for that extra special somebody. A friend of mine went out of her way, driving a woman for hours, to take her to her job interview. Her friend was touched.

A servant is unnoticed. He is obscure. His job's real dirty. That's what really deters us from washing one another's feet.

Well, if not for someone, at least He watches. And He knows when to exalt us to prominent positions, if we stay put where He has allowed us to be. Serving.

What if we all could rise up and vow to look out for opportunities for acts of kindness, regardless of what society would regard us to be?

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