"You know what? i love him but....." she paused saying this..
Two hearts were deeply in love but still there love story was incomplete. Do you know the reason why?
Because they were not in love with each other.
ONE SIDED LOVERS sounds a bit abnormal right?
People say one side love is of no use ,I ask why?

i still remember the dialogue from Hindi cinema, " hum kisi se pyaar karne se phele yeh shart toh nahi rakhte na ki woh bhi hume utna hi pyaar kare" ( before loving someone we don't keep a condition that other person will also love us the same way). So why do we keep on complaining when we don't get the the desired love back?
when do we keep on saying that "I can't live if that person doesn't says yes to my marriage proposal" And all such drama when we know it very well that we had a life even before that person entered in our life.

I say one sided lovers are the most loyal lovers. Do you know why? Because they love you without any expectations, without any demands ,without any benefits. They love you because they admire you and because they love you for what you are irrespective of your looks,money,background etc etc
They love you because most probably you are the only meaning of love for them.

One sided lovers - people who know that the person they love is hard to get but they still love them in a hope that that they would notice.

one sided lovers - people whom you can trust because whatever the situation will be they won't leave your hand and walk by your side without the lust of a reward..

One sided lovers- people who don't require expensive gifts , 24*7 contact, your passwords, your credit card and all such shit. The thing that they want is that beautiful smile that makes their day, your dreams that make them smile like stupids in a crowd...

sometimes life plays interesting games..
sometimes relationships are more than just an I LOVE YOU
sometimes everything is beyond having a crazy crush on someone.
sometimes caring for someone is beyond everyone's imagination
sometimes words don't matter
sometimes love is beyond everything...


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