Oh, God, I see you in the color of the sky.
Your majesty is on display for every single eye.
The beauty of a mountain peak,
Your glory we can seek.
How can it be you are so wonderful to us?

How beautiful You are. We see your beauty from afar.
Your majesty!
How beautiful you are from the earth to a distant star.
Oh, how beautiful You are.

Your beauty is shone through a life that has been reborn.
You comfort with your love when a heart needs to mourn.
You lead and guide our path each day,
When we’re lost you find a way.
How can it be you are so wonderful to us?

I can’t even fathom all of your beauty.
My life is hopeless without your purity.
You shine like the morning sun
Reflecting your love to everyone.
How can it be you are so wonderful to us?

By David Erickson

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