We lived in Delhi two decades ago and were in Mumbai for a holiday. Kids weren't on the scene yet. The day we were supposed to leave for Delhi happened to be a bandh. As luck would have it no vehicles plied on the road. We must be at CST then known as VT, in two hours time.

An acquaintance dropped me on his bike, while hubby rode nicely on his uncle's scooter.
We were grateful for their help.

The local train arrived, which would take us to VT. It was empty.
We pushed in our two pieces of baggage just meters from the door. The train started moving. We stood at the door. I, on this end, he at the other door. As it reached Matunga station, a group of rough looking guys rushed in one by one. I was caught by surprise really, as I had expected..somewhat naively..that none would venture out on a bandh day.
But Mumbai's different.

I began getting suffocated. Maybe claustrophobic. The narrow space between the two doors was jammed now. No space left even to breathe. Coming from a small town, this was a terrible experience for me. I don't know why, my tear dam burst and I began weeping as the rowdy guys made Tsk Tsk noises, as if to sympathise with poor, delicate me.

Then I heard someone calling out, 'Su'. My hubby! I had lost sight of him in the melee. I actually thought he had run away seeing those hooligans. As soon as they heard 'Su', the guys turned towards the direction of the sound. Seeing my handsome, well built husband looking worriedly in my direction silenced them completely. I felt like how Hema malini felt when she was freed from the clutches of Gabbar Singh by Dharmendra in Sholay.

I felt embarrassed with all eyes on me. I pushed my luggage into the cabin side and somehow found a seat to sit.
Some time later we reached VT and got into the train to Delhi shortly.
I hated Mumbai, never wanting to return again.
God had different plans. We had to move to Mumbai within a few years.

I haven't forgotten that incident ever. As a result I've hardly travelled by locals till date. It's either bus, mostly car or worse still..
by 11 number bus!
(my two legs:))

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