"Time changes everything"

I don't think so that it is the time that changes every thing, it is always us who change everything!
I have always been afraid of changing of people, therefore I never got closer to anyone because I knew that I would not be able to bear with the long lasting pain which arises due to "changes" .
They hurt me, and hurt me deeply. Even the changes in myself keep on irritating me until I get used to them. Yes, I am not that kind of a person to lament upon the loss, but there has always been something inside me which is difficult to be understood. I may seem to be moving on, but there is always left a place behind which cannot be filled by anyone else or anything else!! I don't know why my heart is so weak inside when others can see it as strong one. Where does it go when "my" time comes. It lets me weep and it lets me feel lost and alone. I feel desolate and ruined.

Whatever happens with me , I don't complaint. I just want to ask one thing that why He has made either so weak, or foolish or I am callous? I cannot understand the reason that why I always let the things go! What kind of a person I am ?? I let the things go because I cannot fight ? OR I let the things go because I don't feel anything? I have seen people revenging and fighting over the matters for days and years, but I cannot bear the anger of those whom I love even for a single day! I cannot bear myself hurting them even they hurt me so many times! I don't know what He has made of me? Either a fool who knows nothing or a something which is unlike normal human beings. I feel not normal.

People changed the time, but I remained the same. may be therefore I am always left alone at the end with only the memories of past and heart full of pain. Because time is just a measure of days and nights, it is the taste of people that keeps on changing. and I am sorry for myself that I am bad at "changing"

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