She rummaged through the pile of debris.
Finding it ,she took it in her loving arm..
Held it there for as long as she could.
After a good 45 minutes had passed,it breathed its last.

Hot tears flowed down her cheeks as she bent.
To blend the dead body again with the trash.
Her misdemeanor soon discovered,
She was fired. She dared to disobey orders.

She had worked in this nursing home,actually an abortion clinic.
Watched scores of unborn babies mauled to death.
Some women brought in late, still had it done.
If the baby refused to be out as desired, it was cut into pieces and removed from the mother's womb.

Brutal,isn't it? isn't fiction,but real.
Happening simultaneously in abortion clinics all over this nation.
Thanks to its draconian law supporting abortion.
Murder of millions of unborn innocents,numbering easily the population of U.K.

The crowd cheered.Their leader smiled.
Waved his arms,back on the podium.
His intelligence,his rhetoric probably got him in.
Little did they realize,he had blood on his hands.

The audience clapped.
The nations clapped.
But One looked away,
His Maker.

The flowers,the accolades would soon wither,brickbats could come his way.
Then why did he so crave for man's approval?
He'd played to the gallery
Instead of performing to the audience of One.

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