I followed dad in a corner, as he asked me. He said he wanted to talk about something really important. I wondered what it was; that important thing. I supposed he was sending me on a trap. Get me out of the mosque and drag me all the way to the barber to have a haircut..

I expected the worse I could imagine. But dad had something else on his mind. What he said next took me by surprise though.

"Your final exams are drawing near. You have to stop bodybuilding. I'll tell the gym owner about it.", He said.

Smile vanished, expression changed. This was the turning point of my life. If I stopped gym now, I will be back to where I was for so many years of my life. I would be fat again. I pondered on the option. I have never been able to argue with dad. But this is worth it. I had to really argue this time.

"No, Don't.. Just pay, I will not stop going to the gym."

"But you will be distracted. I want you to concentrate fully on the exams and-"

"No, I will be fine. I'm working hard."

"you are sure?"

"yes", I said. There was no need to think twice in this.

We kept eye contact for a few seconds and then dad turn and proceeded to go home. That argument was won and it was worth it.. ;)

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