Now why do I comment so much, I can't for the life of me understand. Since the day I joined Wb, I have been busy commenting!
I think as people age, the tendency to comment on almost everything increases ten fold! And I've begun to AGE on this site. Ha Ha

I'll beat Ravi Shastri and Gavaskar pretty soon. But at least they get paid!!

I wake up, click comp on, read, comment...I eat breakfast, comment, make lunch, comment, sleep, comment, have chai, comment.....

See so many comments!!! Running like a runaway train.
Now if I had been doing this to my friends or family members at the pace I do out here, I'd surely have been kicked out in no time by them..
Thank God no one thought of doing that to me on Wb...YET!

I love folk commenting on my posts. It shows my writing made at least some small impact on some body, just to have him put in that extra effort to reply.

Sometimes no body comments even anon and my heart sinks! That feeling is so awful to describe..Then I go into worrying mode. Now why didn't they comment? Was it because my post was so-so. Or was the hats off or speechless given away simply as consolation prize.

But folk..are you okay with my incessant commenting? I mean one day I'll be named Mallu Shastri the veteran Wb commentator!

Do my comments irk you or delight you?
Are they unnecessary at times?
Do you feel like writing/stop writing reading 'em?
Do you feel like tearing your hair sometimes?

Please COMMENT!!

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