I got up in the morning and as I was replaying my life. I got stuck with a question ‘What are you doing?’
I realized whatever I was doing it was equal to nothing so I was doing nothing. I suddenly realized why even after so much of abundance I was having this dissatisfaction.
I am dreaming. I am talking about my dream but I’m not working towards it. I’m saying I want to get over my past actions but in my actions I’m contradicting it with my own thoughts. I’ve set my goal but I actually don’t see the efforts. I’ve been wasting my time and this is why even after lessons of self help books I don’t feel the optimism in me. I’ve let others define my priorities and by saying it’s okay I attracted more of their priorities to me. I’ve been listening to everyone but only not to my heart. With everyone’s voice around me. I ignored the most important person and that was me. Grudging all day ‘why me?’ and all the other things I failed to realize what was going wrong but with this morning I diagnosed the problem and looking at it I don’t find the solution to be too complicated.
I think it’s all the power of thinking, the law of attraction as the secret says ‘YOUR THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS’. Change your thoughts. From this moment make yourself as your priority. Instead of ‘why me?’ Say ‘oh it’s me’ and when you make opportunities of every little thing you would start doing something from nothing. With this something you would soon find some more things and gradually you would take off well in the flight of your dreamland. Also when we are on our flight to dreamland we would see the super cyclone of optimism in us.
So if you are doing nothing like me and you realize it. Believe that you can change now and do it. Don’t let your thoughts contradict your actions