A newly founded party holds power at the center of our Country. Impressive debut of AAP in New Delhi is a revolutionary change in the politics of Delhi as well as in India. Post independence, Delhi has witnessed Claw ( carnivorous) governments and Lotus (mud) governments. Being the capital, Delhi has always been indulged in bad politics. I think bad politics don't need any explanation and as far as our political parties are concerned, we find a lot of examples near us. Mujaffarnagar riots in UP, where different parties have their different opinions about helping the riot victims. Some say, people don't die of Cold others say they are not victims they are people sent by another parties for political gain. Helping them is not a big deal but they play dirty politics over them. I recall the event of December 16, when one girl was raped brutally. It will not be unfair to think that power hungry people could have been involved in that. It is also possible that guilty people never got the punishment although 6 people were in custody. May be some one did that for some political gain and defame the ruling party in Delhi. And who won majority of votes in Delhi- our national flower. This is just a possibility, I am not being judgmental. After everything we have seen in politics can you say they aren't capable enough? Well give it a thought, at least have a opinion.

Nine days have passed to government formation in Delhi. AAP has started fulfilling its promises one by one. Free Water 670ltr , Electricity audit and teriff rates discussion, Corruption help line and some more are in process. Even though people who earlier supported AAP now have difference, due to minority government formation by taking external support from congress, but those differences are not in views how the government shall work for the benefit of public or in the policies that AAP wants to implement. I think they need little bit time to understand the Indian politics and people should think about it. I can't say AAP is going to win significantly in Lok Sabha election but one thing is for sure, If the revolution continues they will leave a significant impact on the people and country.
I did a Google search on Indian Politics and this is what popped up :

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