I sat near the window, looking beyond the scenes, lost in my own unrevealed thoughts. In my passivity, suddenly laughter echoed and I was awakened. I moved my eyeballs to the ground and a smile twitched across my cheeks. Our neighbor the old grandpa and gappu, the grandson, were playing together.
Gappu is notorious, chummy, 4 teethed, chocolate colored boy… dark chocolate… and his grandpa is a short man with a stick in one hand and always a toy in other.
As I watched them playing, I saw that grandpas eyes were flickering. Maybe they were tearful, or they lost their dark shade with age. He would throw the ball and gappu would gallop and dance and run behind the ball. And grandpa watched silently with gleaming eyes and a peaceful smile.
His grey eyes with few lashes were sweet to bear the sun rays yet every day he would come to ground to see gappu play. They never exchanged words and gappu would look at grandpa and smiled. Their love could be felt deep.
How amusing their little story is!
How amazing is that 2 persons- a 2 yr old ,born and brought up in modern society, and a 70 yr old born and brought up in a struggling nation, find themselves so attached that even words are not a necessity between them.!!!!
And the whole life we talk to our parents, kids, life partner, and friends and explain them and yet they never understand us. And grandparents they know us,they know how to love, they know selflessness, they are giving. And grandkids they know to share, care and love beyond differences… Well I guess that’s what love is all about.
It’s truly said some relations are so beautiful that their charm never leaves anyone and anything untouched.

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