Santiago,Chile !!!

The morning has come ,brought another day in my life ;the day seems to be the usual one but i felt something different in this day.
Following my routine for a normal working day , i got ready for my office. I promise myself for a new year of change in my life.
I started for office...going down by lift, giving a smile to the old lady whom i see every day sitting alone near our building entrance ...silently waiting for stranger's Hello. Thats what i feel about her...her way of sharing her life...her silence...her loneliness..herself with the world !!! Daily i try to give her a saying 'hola' to her...'Hola' is hello in spanish.
Lost in my thoughts...many confusing thoughts in mind, i crossed the red light...walking towards the metro station ...
As i walking down the stairs near the metro station...i noticed an old lady sitting at the end of stairs...
she was having a cup in her hand...and was trying to attract the people's attention by jingling the few coins in her cup ,
Obviously she took my attention too...but i behaved like a normal person...
I moved ahead by ignoring her...
I could hardly move 5 more 4th step was backwards...
I stopped..and came back to her...opened my purse , pulled out all coins ....and made her cup a bit heavy with coins !!!
I gave her a smile as well ....She blessed me with some wishes in spanish ...i really felt amazing over all this...I had this strong feeling many times earlier as well...
What feeling ? do human being really need to speak ??? these emotions which are felt n shared are the best emotions which i felt in my life n sharing doesnt need any words to speak !!!
Having a bit more smiled face...i moved ahead towards the metro station...
I realized a person selling burgers near the metro... i again felt about the old lady ...
I went back to her....asked her if she need the burger,
ofcourse, i had to put my best efforts to speak spanish while asking her
She told me that she is not able to eat burger because of some teeth problems...thats what i could understand from all our conversation.
I asked her what i can give her to eat...she asked for 'Leche'...first i cudnt understand what she is asking... i remember with my spanish knowledge that 'Leche' is milk in spanish
I asked her where we can get milk nearby...
She came with me to the metro station where there was a confectionery shop...
She asked for one choco milk ...I ordered another one for her....
Gave her two choco milk packet..and the rest of change money returned by the shop owner...
She blessed me again and i said good by to her !!!
Moving towards the metro..i said 'Happy Bday ' to myself :)) !!!

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