Hey, do forgive me. I just couldn't resist.

Why are we so obsessed with the dark guys? I mean, phantoms, witches, shadows etc. Our movies glorify them. The more the horrific value, the greater is it's box office success.

So we have films like 'Bhoot' and serials like 'Shhhh..koi hai.'
Kids watch them even when they are alone at home, then complain of nightly nightmares.

Video games of violence, shooting, gory bloodshed.

Please, please can someone tell me why are people so obsessed with darkness?

Oh, can we have films about angels? Those shiny, lovable creatures. Spreading good and cheer.

Don't we mock and laugh at them, at their very mention?
Why is the divine so trodden underfoot and His name obliterated from school textbooks?

Why is a pious man taken so lightly, as though he were a mere moron, with no opinion of his own?

Well, history says that even Darwin, who spread his 'wonderful' theory of evolution, finally acknowledged that He is there.
On his death bed.
And to think the whole world still believes his lies. That our great,great....grandfather is the Monkey!
O please!

Well, you'll call me crazy.
But I'm looking forward to meeting Him when here I say my final goodbye.

I'm gonna walk on streets of gold.
I'll be flying at speed of light from one destination to another.
It would take me all eternity to examine His works of art I'd admired all the while on earth.
In shades of green, hues of pink and unearthly colors I'd never ever dreamed.
And watch poor, old Darwin whimpering softly in a corner.

I'm going to see rivers and lakes, smiling faces, great family reunions...
Hear music playing all around me
That Mozart or Beethoven couldn't match.

Above all I'm gonna see Him
His deepest blue eyes
Flowing with unending compassion
As into His arms I fly

What a day! I live on a wing of this hope
And prayer
Each new day.

So my fellow writers and readers, can't we just ponder on things better and fine
Is this then, your attraction to darkness divine?

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