As a person seemingly curious about the universe and the greater picture of things at periods of my life, I've often been drawn to learning about our own physical universe, as well our inner universe within the mind.

I'm a person who likes to draw analogies between things in my own head, I can't remember if this developed from myself personally, or if I picked this up upon learning and seeking a greater understanding about the way of things.

The purpose of this post is to share an analogy I came up with upon staying awake late tonight. Having gazed into the night sky while enjoying a cigarette, I wondered about the process of night and day. It is when we are separated from our own Sun in the darkness of night that we are able to perceive with a naked eye all the other distant stars across the universe, perhaps with a sense of wonder if our mood suits on the occasion. My point is that stargazing, with it's potential to awaken mind and senses, is a luxury we receive only in the darkness of night.

Yet in the brightness of day, with it's warmth and nourishment, the presence of these beautiful, distant stars is obscure to us. We cannot reach them with our eyes any longer.

So perhaps, I thought... the same process occurs within us as human beings. In the brightest moments of our lives, well yes there bright, warm and happy... be it on a spiritually, emotionally, materialistically or otherwise uplifting level. But perhaps in these times, we ourselves also are restricted from some mysterious understandings and insights of ourselves and our lives.

Yet, in those darker periods of life... perhaps they may also contain a blessing. Perhaps, the same forces of that great multitude of stars alive in the night sky are also active within our lives during those trying, dark moments we all experience here and there... giving us potential for a greater understanding and picture of our situations we are encountering.

A teacher once told me our bodies are a small universe. I once read from a book expressing the notion our minds were a universe in themselves. Some truth in what they say perhaps?

Hope someone gets something from reading this. Goodnight.

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