“Always remember you are absolutely unique just like everyone else”
-margaret mead
These are not just lines,this is something we all need to implement in our Lives.when i tell people that i am self obsessed they turn their heads and say “attitude hau yaar isme”.
now as far as i know oxford dictionary has kept ‘self obsession’,’ attitude’ and ‘selfish’ words in separate pages with lot of pages in between separating then completely.
Coming to the point let all of us confess that at one point or the another we all stand in front of the mirror posing and adoring ourselves.Don’t we?

Then why do we need someone when we are upset?
Then why do we keep on complaining our partners about the time we spend together?
Why do we ask others for suggestions?
Well the answer is simple!! because we don’t have time for ourselves.

In this world of smartphones and gadgets where we have so many apps to stay in touch with our near and dear ones we forget that one Friend who was there supporting us in our Good as well as bad times, that one friend who keep our secrets safe,that one friend whom we can totally trust. Yes!! Undoubtedly it is YOU YOURSELF!!
So let us take a step forward and bring our Best friend into existence.

Just try these once :-

1. After a busy schedule treat yourself once a month, a coffee treat maybe or a day out with nature or a movie.do it the way you like.
Go out on a date with yourself,enjoy and yes trust me you will love it to the core.
One day without whatsapp,Facebook, instagram, selfies,books,etc…

2. When you’re in a trouble instead of relying on others stand in front of mirror and ask yourself for the suggestion. No no i am not mad, i seriously mean it. No one can give you better suggestions than you yourself after all you won’t think bad for yourself Right??

3.some people Will be planning to kill me after this but at the end of the day just before you go to bed appreciate yourself for every good deed you did in a day and encourage yourself for improvement.


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