I still remember, when I was still in primary school, I read a passage in Arabic during a class. Ever since, I have never been able to forget that small story:

There was once a villager, who alongside his son, went to the city. They took along their donkey, around whose neck was a rope which the boy was holding, so that the animal could follow them.

The trio were passing a group of city-folks, when they heard the people mocking them.

"Hey, look at those idiots!!! They have a donkey, still both of them are walking!!!"

Thus, the villager told his son:
"Maybe they are correct. You hop on the donkey, and I'll walk"
The boy got on the donkey and off they continued their voyage..

They passed another group of people. Again they were criticized.

"Look at that lazy boy. He is sitting and leaving his old father to walk"

The son got down the animal and told his father:
"You hop on dad, I'll walk"..
The father got on the donkey and off they continued their voyage.

They passed a third group of people after some time. Again they were criticized:

"look at that cruel man. He is sitting and leaving his young boy walk"

This time, the villager told his son:
"Get on the donkey you you also son"
And so the boy hop on the donkey and they continued their voyage.

After covering some distance, They came across a 4th group of city-folks. This time also they were mocked and criticized:

"Look at those cruel illiterate villagers. They are abusing that poor weak looking animal"

And so both the man and the boy got down and continued their voyage on foot, the way they started it..


So what lesson do you take out of this story, dear reader?

Tags: Short Story

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