I love writing, so I made it my hobby. However, despite that, more than often, after finally writing something or finishing a carefully worked out post, I feel blank. Cannot think of what the hell to write. Just take my pen in my hand and starring at blank paper. In such case, inspiration is necessary.

I got my inspiration today. I unexpectedly broke up with my girlfriend earlier on. I was sad, of course. I had real feelings for her. But instead of going in the toilet and cry bitterly, or turn into a local Devdas, all I have been wanting to do is to sit in front of my PC and concentrate on my next posts. Surprisingly, several ideas and possibly interesting write-ups began popping into my mind..

As for girlfriend, well, you know what my teacher once told me?

He said before buying a brand new car, you must travel by several taxis. Well she was a taxi, a memory, the past. All I need right now is peace, and all I have to do is keep calm and work upon my next posts and develop my ideas...

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